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District : The Peak Area

Name of the street at which the Development is situated and the street number allocated by the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation for the purpose of distinguishing the Development : 15 Gough Hill Road

The address of the website designated by the vendor for the Development for the purpose of Part 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”):

The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this website represent an artist’s impression of the Development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the Development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the Development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.


Vendor: Chateau 15 Investments Limited (Receivers and Managers appointed)¹ (the “Receivers”)

1 LAI Kar Yan (Derek) and CHAN Man Hoi (Ivan) are appointed the joint and several receivers and managers.

Holding company of the vendor : Proud Elite Investments Limited²

2 As Receivers have been appointed, the Vendor is no longer operated and controlled by its original shareholder(s) and director(s). In this sense, there should no longer be any “holding company” for the purpose of the Ordinance. Without prejudice to the position as aforesaid, as the holding company of the Vendor (i.e., Proud Elite Investments Limited) is a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of the British Virgin Islands (“BVI”), and corporate information are generally confidential without consent of the relevant BVI company, the Receivers are not in a position to obtain, and do not have, any information of any “holding company “ of the said Proud Elite Investments Limited.

Authorized person for the Development : Mr. Au Shiu Kin

The firm or corporation of which an authorized person for the Development is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity :  David S. K. Au & Associates Limited³

3 After issuance of the Occupation Permit on 30 January 2019, the relevant company is changed to Canwest Consultants Limited , but the authorized person for the Development remains the same.

Building contractor for the Development : Ever Construction Company Limited

The firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development : Howse Williams⁴

4 As Receivers have been appointed, the firm of solicitors acting for the Receivers.

Any authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Development : The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (The loan has been settled)

Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Development : 

As Receivers have been appointed, the Vendor is no longer operated and controlled by its original shareholder(s) and director(s). To the best of the Receivers’ knowledge, they are not aware of any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Development.


The vendor reserves the right to alter the building plans and other plans and the design of the development and any part thereof from time to time. The building design is subject to the final approval of the relevant government authorities. 

There may be future changes to the Development and the surrounding environment. 

This website and its content are for reference only, therefore do not constitute and shall not be construed as any contractual term, offer, representation, undertaking, or warranty, whether expressed or implied by the vendor (whether or not in relation to the Development or view) and prospective purchasers should not rely on or make any claims against the vendor.

Market conditions may change from time to time. Prospective purchasers shall consider their own financial status and ability to afford and all relevant factors before deciding whether to purchase or when to purchase any residential property. In any circumstances or at any time, prospective purchasers shall not rely on or be affected by any content, information or concept of this website in deciding whether to purchase or when to purchase any residential property.

Prospective purchasers are advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the Development. Please refer to the sales brochure for details. 

While Occupation Permit was issued on 30 January 2019, certain alterations and additions works are being carried out.  The relevant approved building plans of the development may be subject to amendments from time to time.  The building after completion of the additions and alterations works may be different from the current state and condition.  Subject to the final building plans as approved by the relevant Government departments.

This website is published by the Vendor or by another person with the consent of the Vendor. 

Date of last update : 13-9-2024

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